
Single sign-on, simplified

Crowd is a single sign-on (SSO) application for as many users, web applications and directory servers you need — all through a single web interface.

Take the feature tour

Active Directory, LDAP, and more. Your way.

Connect your directory servers. Put your users in Crowd. Or mix it up and do both. Change directory configurations and group memberships without touching your applications. Manage groups in your LDAP server or in Crowd. Make changes in your apps and see those changes in your directories. Or make them read-only. It's up to you.

Learn more about LDAP integration

Hook 'em up

We ship connectors for Atlassian apps, as well as a selection of other popular tools such as Subversion. Our wonderful community has contributed lots more, and if your favourite app isn't there, you can easily write a connector in your language or framework of choice.

Find out more

Cloud Connectors

Provide secure access to Google Apps and OpenID-enabled sites such as Basecamp and SourceForge. Let your users move seamlessly from behind the firewall into the cloud, and retain control of accounts. Avoid giving your passwords to Google, and never forget to disable an account again.

Learn more about Google Apps integration
Learn more about OpenID integration\

Learn more about Crowd Licensing and Pricing


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