Wir freuen uns darauf, am 10. November 2017 Brant Cooper, Autor des New York Times-Bestsellers "The Lean Entrepreneur", bei uns in Wiesbaden begrüßen zu dürfen.
Er wird einen ganztägigen Workshop bei uns im Büro im LuisenForum abhalten, zu dem Sie sich anmelden können.
Myth of the Visionary - How Startup Founders and Intrapreneurs Succeed with Lean Innovation
Many believe that people are born to be successful entrepreneurs – that a “Eureka moment” gifts those people with a great idea and the ability to see the future and that the market will beat a path to their door.
But that is a myth. Brant’s workshop empowers you, wether a startup founder or an (corporate) entrepreneur/intrapreneur to make the changes you want to see in the world. Whether you are just forming an idea or have already started your own (corporate) business, this workshop has something for entrepreneurs at any stage.
Brant will teach the 3E's of Lean Innovation: Empathy, Experiments & Evidence = based decision making and how to apply it to the entire business model.
What you’ll get:
Actionable advice on how to build a business model based on your ideas
A set of tools and practices that help you validate your business model
What you won’t get is:
A paint-by-numbers approach for instant success;
A 400-page workbook;
Or time wasted listening to pie-in-the-sky theories of entrepreneurial success.
Brant wrote the NYT Bestseller, The Lean Entrepreneur (among others), and is an active advisor and speaker to entrepreneurs, accelerators and corporate innovation teams across the globe. (Social Media Profiles: Twitter, LinkedIn)
Der Workshop spricht insbesondere verantwortliche Personen für die Produkt- und Geschäftsmodellentwicklung an, wie etwa Gründer/Geschäftsführer, Entrepreneure/Intrapreneure, Innovationsmanager, Digital Officers, Produktmanager, ...
10. November 2017, 09.00 - 17.30 Uhr
LuisenForum, Kirchgasse 6
65185 Wiesbaden
350 € für Corporates/Intrapreneure, 250 € für Startups (< 10 Mitarbeiter und < 4 Jahre seit Gründung) inkl. Verpflegung (Mittagessen, Snacks, Getränke) und einer Ausfahrkarte für das Parkhaus LuisenForum.
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