Hi, I´m Desi

... and I work as a Marketing Operations Specialist for draw.io. We are responsible for a lot of different web offerings: websites, weblogs, social media, newsletters and other public info pages. The team's tasks include marketing, sales and support, as well as content creation and editing.

Your expertise will help us with the following:

  • You are in charge of all our written content, with a focus on researching, writing, and publishing a weekly blog post, but also creating content such as whitepapers, newsletters, mailings, websites, online ads, social media captions, and flyers.

  • Implement the written blog posts in WordPress and publish them on our website’s blog.

  • Work with other team members to cross-post content to other company blogs.

  • Support the development of customer stories.

  • Analyze and optimize our keywords and make sure our content helps us to improve our SEO.

Content marketing on the Internet has been our most important marketing approach for over 20 years. All the information we prepare for customers and prospects is publicly accessible, without paywalls or forms as hurdles. When working with us you should develop a thorough understanding of our product and our target group, and implement it in the content. Don´t worry, we will help you to quickly familiarize with our product: draw.io

Since we currently need help with the English texts, it would be great if you were a native speaker. 

We would like to have you as a full-time employee - starting immediately. If you have something else in mind, just contact us.

What now?

We look forward to meeting you!

We want to get to know you, and by you, we mean whatever it is you bring to the table (especially if it's cake!).

We want the best person for the job, and offer you an inclusive workplace where you can be your authentic self.

Want to know more? Check out our diversity statement.

Link to this job advertisement: https://seibert.biz/jobcontentenglish

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