Information about our online events

Technical Checklist

    • Use a browser that's up to date. We recommend Google Chrome or Firefox, Safari is not completely compatible. Edge and Internet Explorer are not supported.
    • Connect a charger to your device.
    • Should you take part in an interactive element, we recommend using a headset. A standard iPhone headset is enough! You should also position yourself and your laptop in such a way that you're not lit from behind.
    • Even though it may sound a bit "old school": If you want to participate in the conference using video and audio, and we recommend that you do, maybe get a LAN cable so that your connection won’t be interrupted by any WIFI interference. Simple, but effective.
    • Video: The webcam of a MacBook or ThinkPad is perfectly adequate. Please make sure that the camera is approximately at eye level.
    • Audio: You need a headset. The sound quality of the laptop's built-in microphone is not sufficient. The headset should ideally be wired to avoid interference with any Bluetooth connection, for example, due to an empty battery.
    • Background: A bright, well-lit room (not directly in front of a window) is optimal. The brighter the room, the better the image quality of the video. Avoid sitting in a dark area, but the room should not be completely overexposed either. Indirect light that is close but does not directly illuminate your face is optimal. Daylight lamps are particularly suitable for video conferences, as they are not distracting and provide a natural light. If you want to use a virtual background, you can, of course, but please make sure that your internet connection and your computer are powerful enough to display this smoothly for the duration of your presentation.
    • Laptop: It is recommended that you close all tabs that you are not using for the appointment in advance. It's also best to turn off all sources of interference, such as chats. To be on the safe side, activate the sleep mode on your laptop (this also applies to your smartphone and landline phone). If your browser recommends an update (yellow or red notification in the top right in the Chrome browser) and you want us to record your presentation before the event, install it before the recording.


For all events, we offer to make a pre-recording in advance, so that you can plan reliably. The presentation can be held live during the event or the recording can be shown. Both options are possible and the decision is made by the presenter. If the recording is shown, we offer a live interactive Q&A afterwards to make the event more dynamic and to give audience members the opportunity to ask questions directly.


To implement the event, we decided to use the online event tool Hopin. In the video below we show you how to log in and explain the different functions of the tool.

We hope that your day will be smooth, exciting, inspiring - but most of all intuitive. However, if there are any problems, you can reach us on our support channel.

There will be someone available to help you during the entire event.

To the Support Channel

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