Wiki gimmicks

We also offer you a number of so-called wiki gimmicks, which you can utilize within your enterprise in order to better support the rollout of your system. The gimmicks are distributed to employees or placed strategically throughout your company. We would recommend that you book a strategy planning session and have a well developed plan for the rollout before you begin the actual customization and production of your gimmicks.

An overview – including example graphics of the described items – can be found here or within the video of our Live-Session on this topic.

The prices listed below include the design itself as well as the costs for coordinating the work (in our experience this is usually about 20%). Production costs are on top of this and are listed within the individual posts.



Wiki gimmicks



(Deutsche Version)

Dieser Inhalt wurde zuletzt am 27.02.2017 aktualisiert.

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