Die nachfolgenden Inhalte sind ggfs. veraltet oder befinden sich im Aufbau!
Hier finden Sie unser aktuelles Workshopangebot

Costs for an open Jira workshop in your area

In addition to our individual workshops, we also offer the possibility of holding an open training session on Jira in your area. After this training session, you would receive not only Jira certification but also the chance to exchange thoughts and challenges with other people interested in Jira. You can read an overview of such a workshop on our public wiki under the following link: http://seibert.biz/atlassianzertifizierung.






Unit price



Jira training including certification

The training session lasts for four hours and includes basic information as well as various use cases for examples and practice. At the end, participants receive certification as Certified Jira Professionals.








All the prices mentioned exclude any statutory VAT applicable at time of purchase.

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Dieser Inhalt wurde zuletzt am 20.03.2018 aktualisiert.

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