Diese Live-Session in englischer Sprache fand am 8. März 2012 um 11:15 Uhr wie immer auf unserer Live-Session-Portalseite statt.

NextGen is CustomWare's framework built to facilitate and standardize the various connectors between Jira and other systems. The Salesforce connector is the most matured connector built on this framework. In this live session, Bo Wang (CustomWare) and Martin Seibert will discuss the features available to the end users of Jira and Salesforce after the connector has been set up and configured.

Recording of the Live Session

Download this video: Part 1 (MP4, 244 MB)

Download this video: Part 2 (MP4, 196 MB)

Jira Functionality

Create Salesforce Objects from Jira

There are a variety of reasons why an end user may wish to create a Salesforce object from a Jira issue. Primary reasons would be convenience and economical. Jira users may not have access to Salesforce or perhaps Salesforce is not part of their workflow at all.

The connector allows a Jira user to create Salesforce objects in the following ways:

  • Create Salesforce object manually via an existing Jira issue
  • Create Salesforce objects via Jira workflow
  • Create Salesforce objects via bulk action

Link Jira issues to Salesforce Objects

  • For Salesforce objects that supports comments (Case and Idea), when pulling the changes, it will also pull all of the comments from Salesforce to Jira.
  • By default changes made to an issue that is linked to a Salesforce object will be synced across to Salesforce automatically.

Pull Changes from Salesforce

  • For Salesforce objects that supports comments (Case and Idea), when pulling the changes, it will also pull all of the comments from Salesforce to Jira.

Push Changes to Salesforce

  • By default changes made to an issue that is linked to a Salesforce object will be synced across to Salesforce automatically

Push a Comment from Jira to Salesforce

  • When Enabled, all new comments on the Jira issue is created as a new comment in Salesforce against the related Case/Idea.

Salesforce Functionality

Create Jira Issues from Salesforce

  • A Salesforce user can create a Jira issue from a Salesforce Opportunity which will be automatically populated with the information a Jira user needs.
  • When the Jira users add the detail, they can synchronize it back to to the Salesforce Opportunity.

Synchronizing Salesforce Data with Jira

  • Synchronization from Salesforce to Jira is not automated as the reverse is.
  • Therefore if changes are made to any mapped details in Salesforce to a Jira-linked object, it will need to be manually synchronized and pushed to the linked Jira issue.

Viewing Related Jira Issues

A Salesforce object could be linked to multiple Jira issues through a variety of ways:

  • Creating Salesforce Objects From Jira
  • Adding a Remote System Reference
  • Creating Jira issues from Salesforce

Further Information about the Connector

Further Information about NextGen

  • No labels

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